Building Fair, Sports Source Asia and Lighting Fair Also Set to Open
25 October 2012 – More than 270 exhibitors from 14 countries and regions will take part in the seventh edition of Eco Expo Asia, which opens 27 October (Saturday) and continues through 30 October at Hong Kong’s AsiaWorld-Expo. “Green Tech for a Low Carbon Economy” is the theme of this year’s expo, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Fair highlights include the Eco Asia Conference, 29-30 October, which will discuss the latest technology and industry development on green buildings, green transportation and waste management. Hong Kong Environment Secretary Wong Kam-sing will take part in an opening-day Eco Expo Asia Luncheon, sponsored by the Bank of China (Hong Kong). Mr Wong will participate in an open dialogue during Sunday’s public day as well. Also scheduled for opening day is the Mainland and ASEAN Countries Eco Forum.
Environmental protection innovations will be displayed in nine thematic zones, including the new Air & Water Quality zone and the Eco-Excellence zone. Other zones cover the Business of IP, Eco-friendly Products, Energy Efficiency & Energy, Green Building Solutions & Services, Green Transportation, Testing, Inspection & Certification, and Waste Management & Recycling.
The expo’s public day, 28 October, will offer test rides of mini-commercial electric vehicles from DongFeng Motor, as well as a Green Mart and a series of forums and workshops.
Building Fair
The HKTDC Hong Kong International Building and Decoration Materials & Hardware Fair will take place alongside Eco Expo Asia, 27-29 October, at AsiaWorld-Expo. More than 150 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will showcase a variety of products in special zones, including an area displaying kitchen and bath items and another focused on green building materials. Innovative new bamboo flooring and low-energy heaters for floor installation will be among the products on show at the fair.
A series of timely seminars will also take place, spotlighting topical issues ranging from green building regulations and the building industry’s latest developments to interior design and kitchen trends, as well as sustainable buildings.
Sports Source Asia
Rounding out events at AsiaWorld-Expo, the sixth edition of Sports Source Asia opens 28 October and runs through 30 October. Some 140 exhibitors from seven countries and regions, including group pavilions from Korea and the mainland’s Zejiang province, will participate in the fair, organised by the HKTDC and MMI Asia Pte Ltd.
Product areas will include a Premium zone, Outdoor Sports zone, Fitness zone and a new Water Sports zone. An opening-day seminar by Hong Kong Polytechnic University Professor Li Yi will cover high-performance sportswear, while Dr Junyan Hu will talk about the Outdoor Recreation Market in China and Functional Garment Performance Evaluation. Hong Kong athletes, including Men's 4x100m Relay Hong Kong record-holder, and London Olympic athlete Lai Chun Ho, will model items at shows on 28 October. Demonstrations and displays of high-performance sportswear and other products will also take place.
The week’s fourth fair, the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition), opens 27 October and continues through 30 October, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. A free bus service will shuttle visitors between the two venues.
Fair Websites
Eco Expo Asia: http://www.ecoexpoasia.com/
Building and Hardware Fair: www.hktdc.com/hkbdh
Sports Source Asia: http://www.sportssource-asia.com/
Lighting Fair: www.hktdc.com/hklightingfair
Green Horizons (2011 Eco Expo Asia): http://youtu.be/ZLKdrYKzVI4
Building a Bright Future (2011 Building Fair): http://youtu.be/r2a5517oSYE
Just Add Water: http://youtu.be/A1sCkOYTgXw
Media Enquiries
Please contact the HKTDC's Corporate Communication Department:
Joe Kainz
Tel: (852) 2584 4216
Email: joe.kainz@hktdc.org