Asia is a strong growth market for industry players in the aesthetics industry – with the non-invasive aesthetics segment growing the fastest. With the introduction of safer and more effective non-invasive aesthetic treatments, many patients are more receptive towards treatments for aesthetic purposes. Another reason for the popularity of non-invasive aesthetic treatments is that patients are seeking out treatments that require minimal downtime.
ASIA TODAY editor interviewed Dr Moniz, Dermatologist to find out more about the increasing popularity of non-invasive body contouring treatments.
Q: What is the difference between invasive and non-invasive body contouring treatments?
Invasive fat reduction procedures such as liposuction typically carry surgical risks and are associated with significant post-treatment recovery downtime. Even newer, minimally-invasive techniques are still surgical procedures. Unlike these types of surgical fat reduction procedures, the latest revolutionary treatment in body contouring – the HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) treatment- is non-invasive and patients typically resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.
Q: There are so many treatments out there in the market now, how does a consumer decide which treatment is the most effective?
Consult your doctor on which issues you wish to address, what the underlying cause of excessive fat deposition is and get a comprehensive understanding of the types of treatments available - especially information about the procedures and potential complications of each treatment. Treatment options should be discussed with the patient to choose the one that is safe and customised.
It is also important to understand that non-invasive treatments generally offer less dramatic results as compared to invasive treatments. So managing your own expectations is also important to your overall experience.
Many factors can contribute to which treatment you choose- some of these include treatment cost, pain threshold as well as the number of sessions needed. For example, some treatments may cost less per session as compared to others but require more sessions compared to other treatments to achieve the same result, hence bumping up the overall cost and time spent on the entire treatment.
It is best to talk it through with your doctor to find out which treatment best suits your needs.
Q: What are the different technologies available in the market now for non-invasive body contouring treatments?
The market is saturated with several body contouring solutions. The lower end of the spectrum includes body wraps, massage, pinching while the higher end of the market uses scientific technology.
A non-invasive waist circumference reduction treatment like ultrasound requires one session. It uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy at a precise depth (1.3 cm) to create a focal zone of heating.
This results in a dual tissue response where thermal destruction of targeted fat cells occurs while contraction and thickening of subcutaneous collagen takes place.
The HIFU energy permanently destroy unwanted subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). Targeted fat cells are permanently destroyed without harming the skin or surrounding tissues and organs. The cell debris will be cleared away through the lymphatic system.
The body naturally processes and removes the fat tissue over a period of 8 to 12 weeks.
There is another cooling technology that targets and eliminates fat cell. During the procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to unwanted fat cells in specific areas of the body as fat cells are more vulnerable to the effects of cold than other surrounding tissues. It is suitable for more localised fat reduction.
Both non-invasive procedures are not a way to lose weight or treat obesity and they are not substitutes for invasive procedures like liposuction.
Q: Why would HIFU be more effective for body contouring as compared to other non-invasive treatments?
Unlike some other fat reduction procedures that often require multiple treatments to see results, with the HIFU treatment, you can reduce your waistline by an average of 1 inch (2.5 cm), or about one dress or pant size, with a single one-hour treatment. Results are typically seen in 8 to 12 weeks.
Q: What is the ideal patient type for non-invasive body contouring treatments?
Ideal patients for non-invasive body contouring treatment should be relatively fit but have some fat bulges that are not easily reduced through diet and exercise. Patients should have a BMI of less than 30 and have at least an inch of fat to pinch around the treatment sites. These treatments are suitable for thosethat are not considering a surgical procedure.
Q: How can patient safety be ensured?
For HIFU treatment, the procedure has been performed on hundreds of patients in clinical studies. There are not major adverse events and all side effects are minimal and self-limiting (like mild pain and bruising). Blood tests of around 200 patients should no significant changes before and post treatments. A consultation by a doctor is very important before doing the treatment as to rule out those patients who are contraindicated like pregnant women, patients who have hernia, scarring and sensational loss over the treated sites.
Q: Is there a difference in fat make up between Chinese and non-Chinese patients?
There is no scientific evidence of difference. Personally, I notice that many Chinese girls, even with lower BMI, tend to have excessive fat deposition over lower abdominal area, hips and thighs. The non-invasive HIFU treatment is suitable for many Asian patients that fall into this category.
Q: Do you see any future trends with regards to non-invasive aesthetic treatments?
The rise in popularity towards non-invasive aesthetic treatments has been increasing over the past few years. One of the reasons for this is that non-invasive treatments require lesser downtime. Many people are looking for safety and convenience when it comes to such treatments. A non-invasive treatment which can be performed within an hour is more appealing to consumers who might want slot in a trip to the doctor in their busy schedules.
Body contouring is one of the fastest growing aesthetic categories in the non-invasive market. Previously, liposuction was the only effective solution for waistline reduction. Liposuction is a highly aggressive and invasive procedure that requires plenty of downtime. It is not a procedure suitable forthose with BMI less than 30. I would expect more patients looking for non-invasive body contouring procedures and sometimes suggest combining treatment of radiofrequency and laser for individualised treatment to cater for each patient’s need such as skin laxity and irregular areas of the skin that appear on the abdomen.
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Dr Moniz Wong
Specialist in Dermatology
Private practice
Dr. Moniz Wong completed her training in internal medicine in 2002 and became a fellow in Medicine, Dermatology and Venereology (FHKAM, FHKCP) in 2006.
She has special interest in aesthetic dermatology. Apart from giving talks to doctors and nurses, she is also keen on educating the public about skin care, cosmetic medicine and use of lasers in skin problems. She has written many articles for local newspapers, health magazines and health education blogs.
She is a member of Association of Specialists in Dermatology, Hong Kong Medical Association, Hong Kong Society of Dermatology and Venereology and Hong Kong Women Doctors Association. She is also the Hon. Secretary and council member of Hong Kong Surgical Laser Association. She was assistant editor of Journal of Dermatology and Venereology in 2003-2005. She is also involved in clinical research with special interest in cosmetic medicine and skin care.