Waste management solutions become a focal point for Eco Expo Asia 2013; Confirmed pavilions aim to showcase the best in technology and products from around the world
Eco Expo Asia, the region’s most highly-regarded green-tech exhibition, continues to receive phenomenal support and commitment from some of the industry’s leading suppliers, government authorities and technical experts. The show’s 2013 edition is scheduled to take place from 28 – 31 October at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong. Once again the fair is being organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council as well as their co-organiser the Environment Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Focusing on the growing market for waste management and green building solutions, the organisers are assembling a diverse collection of associated suppliers with innovative technologies that can positively impact the sustainable development at the individual, commercial and municipal levels in the region.
One of the biggest challenges currently facing companies, residents and government bodies across Asia is the effective handling of waste. Traditionally, landfills and incineration plants were the main methods of waste management in the region. While their popularity still remains strong, countries across Asia have started to acknowledge the limitations and environmental issues these methods cause. With this in mind, Eco Expo Asia’s 2013 show is placing a stronger emphasis on promoting technologies and solutions for reducing, reusing and recycling waste. Aiding in promotion of the show’s goal is a number of experienced world-class green-tech companies, presenting their latest solutions for the growing regional market. Some of the confirmed exhibitors specialised in waste management and recycling include:
Pyrum Innovations – A revolutionary recycled and plant construction company in France that transform rubber and plastic waste into useful oil, gas, coke, rubber flour, soot, charcoal and electricity. Aside the need for external energy during the start up process, their machines are completely self-sufficient.
Associated Engineers, Ltd – With over 50 years of experience as a turn-key engineering solutions provider, the Hong Kong-based firm primarily serves the industrial sector. Their goal at Eco Expo Asia is to promote an industrial food decomposing system which can reduce food waste by approximately 75% in volume.
SITA Waste Services Limited – the company is the world's leading recycling and resource management company with long established professional knowledge and experience in the entire waste cycle. Its French parent company SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT is a world leader dedicated to the water and waste businesses.
Green building concepts: a key highlight for 2013 exhibitors
In the building sector, sustainability and energy conservation are some of the concerned topics for property developers and tenants. At the same time, integration of renewable technology and eco-friendly materials has continued to experience strong demand in the sector. At the fair’s 2013 edition, a number of exhibitors will present their various solutions to this expanding market, including:
Bayer MaterialScience (China) Company Ltd – Offering world-class green building solutions, the firm, through its valuable network of building and green technology experts, will present its EcoCommercial Building Program at the 2013 show. Their goal is to provide support to professionals involved in all areas of public and commercial property development to ensure buildings can exceed existing sustainability standards.
Construction Industry Council - ZCB – Through its Zero Carbon Building, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Construction Industry Council plans to highlight cutting edge design and state-of-the-art technology in eco-building. Their goal at the show is to not only raise public awareness on their ground-breaking project but also promote the building to regional cities considering a similar project.
REC Green Technologies Co Ltd – RGT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yau Lee Holdings Limited in Hong Kong. The company provides energy optimization solution and energy saving products to it’s clients.
Some of the other renowned exhibitors currently confirmed for the 2013 show include: Shanghai Shenjia Sanwa Co., Ltd. from the Chinese Mainland; Asahi Kasei Homes Corporation and Sekisui from Japan; NAMU ECO Alternatives from Korea; Finima Innovations Company Limited, Light Resource Environment Co Limited, Panasonic Hong Kong Co., Limited, Shun Hing Electronic Trading Company Limited and Sino Group from Hong Kong.
Confirmed pavilions aim to showcase the best in technology and products from around the world
Organised pavilions will also play a central role in available solutions at Eco Expo Asia 2013. Through the aid of a number of prominent industry associations and national trade offices, several pavilions have been confirmed this year. One of these noteworthy pavilions is being organised by the Green Technology Consortium. Specialties highlighted in the pavilion will range from food waste processors and classification systems to eco-friendly construction materials and energy saving lighting solutions. National and regional pavilions and group participation will also be present at the exhibition from Canada, Germany, Japan and Russia.
For more information, please email ecoexpo@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com, or exhibitions@hktdc.org, or visit www.ecoexpoasia.com.
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Media contact:
Keena Tsui
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
Direct line +852 2238 9970
Fax +852 2519 6800
Gloria Yam
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Direct line +852 2240 4356
Fax +852 3915 2464