parts2clean: solutions for component cleaning, preservation and packaging
Hannover. Whether car and automotive parts industry, medical technology, aviation, precision engineering, optics or electronics – in many sectors, information about residual surface contaminants is now a standard part of the technical specification for components, and not only dimensions and tolerances. Of course, cleanliness is the only component characteristic that can change after manufacture simply as a result of environmental influences. So it is important not only to achieve the required cleanliness specification consistently and economically, but also to maintain it until the parts are delivered to the customer or have progressed to the next processing stage. This means not only devising an effective cleaning regime, with close monitoring of cleaning bath hygiene and ongoing checks on cleanliness, but also appropriate solutions for preservation and/or packaging.
“Exhibitors will be presenting a wide range of industrial cleaning solutions at parts2clean, which runs from 31 May to 2 June 2016 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre”, reports Olaf Daebler, Head of Dept., parts2clean, at Deutsche Messe AG. Exhibitor bookings for the 14th Leading International Trade Fair for Industrial Parts and Surface Cleaning compare favourably with the last show in 2014. “Our extended program of guided tours is a great way for visitors to gather information quickly and easily about specific topics of interest to them, and to discover solutions that perfectly meet their needs”, adds Daebler.
Getting the cleaning process right – for results that last
Today it is possible to clean components to the most exacting standards, consistently and economically ‒ but only if the cleaning process has been specifically designed for the job it has to do in terms of the type of dirt that has to be removed, the component geometry, the material, the throughput rate, and the specified degree of cleanliness that has to be achieved. The outcome and cost-effectiveness of the cleaning process depend on a number of factors, including the right type of plant and cleaning medium, and the design of the cleaning bath. Another consideration is the effective removal of the loosened dirt from the cleaning bath so that it cannot accumulate and be deposited again on the cleaned components. To guarantee a continuous removal of dirt, it is essential to prepare the bath properly. For optimum results, additional instrumentation needs to be put in place to monitor critical process parameters such as concentration of cleaning agent, temperature, rinsing water quality and filter condition. Modern cleaning plants, whether water-based or solvent-based, offer the option of carrying out cleaning and preservation/corrosion protection in a continuous sequence. This is another area of specialization covered at parts2clean.
Avoiding recontamination
As soon as the cleaned components exit from the cleaning bath, the main concern is to keep them clean throughout the following stages as they are removed, checked, transported and stored. Simply enclosing or covering the area where the components are removed from the bath protects them from recontamination by environmental pollutants. In the case of workpieces that have to be cleaned to very high standards it is advisable to remove them from the bath, check and pack them in a clean-room environment. To protect components against corrosion in transit or storage, so-called VCI packaging (volatile corrosion inhibitor) is available. These are packaging materials that create a corrosion-inhibiting atmosphere inside the packaging, while at the same time protecting against dirt ingress from the outside.
Cleaning know-how for components and surfaces
The three-day parts2clean Industry Forum is a valuable source of additional information and know-how. The presentations cover a wide range of topics relating to the cleaning of industrial parts and surfaces, and will be simultaneously translated (German to English, English to German).
Taking place in parallel with parts2clean from 31 May to 2 June 2016 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre are O&S, the International Trade Fair for Surface Treatments and Coatings, LASYS, the International Trade Fair for Laser Materials Processing, and AUTOMOTIVE Expo, an amalgamation of five trade shows covering different aspects of the automotive industry.
Deutsche Messe AG
From its headquarters in Hannover, Germany, Deutsche Messe AG plans and stages leading capital goods trade fairs around the globe. The company ranks among the five biggest tradeshow organizers in Germany, with projected revenue of 335 million euros in 2015. The company’s event portfolio includes such world-leading events as CeBIT (digital business), HANNOVER MESSE (industrial technology), BIOTECHNICA/LABVOLUTION (biotechnology and lab technology), CeMAT (intralogistics and supply chain management), didacta (education), DOMOTEX (carpets and floor coverings), INTERSCHUTZ (fire prevention, disaster relief, rescue, safety and security), and LIGNA (woodworking, wood processing, forestry). With approx. 1,200 employees and a network of 66 representatives, subsidiaries and branch offices, Deutsche Messe is present in more than 100 countries worldwide.
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