Financial Highlights
12 Months Ended 31 December 2015 | 12 Months Ended 31 December 2014 | Percentage Change Increase/ (Decrease) | |
Revenue (HK$'000) | 5,805,514 | 2,713,291 | 114% |
Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders (HK$'000) | 2,510,052 | 1,018,269 | 147% |
Basic Earnings Per Share (HK Cents) | 62.20 | 37.09 | 68% |
As of 31 Dec 2015 | As of 31 Dec 2014 | ||
Total Assets:(HK$'000) | 91,919,000 | 48,159,973 | 91% |
Shareholders' Funds (HK$'000) | 20,828,786 | 8,596,502 | 142% |
Segment Revenue
(HK$'000) | 12 Months Ended 31 Dec 2015 | 12 Months Ended* 31 Dec 2014 | Percentage Change Increase/ (Decrease) |
Corporate Finance | 841,652 | 396,294 | 112% |
Brokerage and Margin Financing | 2,328,541 | 1,228,275 | 90% |
Asset Management | 123,175 | 76,476 | 61% |
Leveraged and Acquisition Finance | 520,305 | 421,206 | 24% |
Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities | 1,124,175 | 181,707 | 519% |
Equity Derivatives Investment Holdings | 618,657 842,315 | 205,109 27,198 | 202% 2997% |
Investment Holdings | 249,009 | 204,224 | 22% |
*Restated figures
Hong Kong, 10 March 2016 - Haitong International Securities Group Limited ("Haitong International"; Stock Code: 665.HK) today announced its annual results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2015. In 2015, Haitong International (665.HK) achieved revenue of HK$5.8 billion, increased by 114% compared with 2014. Net profit attributable to shareholders totalled HK$2.51 billion, representing a significant year-on-year ("YoY") growth of 147%, and achieving more than 80% growth for three straight years. As of 31 Dec 2015, total assets of the Group amounted to HK$91.9 billion and shareholders' funds totalled HK$20.83 billion, increasing by 91% and 142% respectively over the end of 2014. The Board of Directors of the company is pleased to propose a final dividend per share of 4 Hong Kong cents.
Corporate Finance - Completed altogether 18 IPO projects, including Legend Holdings and Bank of Qingdao, ranking Haitong International No. 1 in Hong Kong market in terms of number of deals. Meanwhile, secondary share sales managed by Haitong International also grew sharply in the year, with a total of 36 placings, rights issues and other similar projects completed. Altogether Haitong International completed 54 equity financing deals throughout the year, placing it second among Hong Kong's financial institutions in terms of the number of projects completed and fifth by total underwriting amount according to Bloomberg League Tables. For its debt financing business, Haitong International offers a full range of offshore bond-funding options including Renminbi-denominated dim sum bonds, US dollar-denominated bonds and euro-denominated bonds. It completed a total of 27 debt financing projects in the year.
Brokerage and Margin Financing -Haitong International now has about 200,000 retail and high-net-worth investor clients. Its client base is one of the biggest locally among securities firms. In 2015, its average daily turnover on the Hong Kong stock exchange jumped by 71% and its margin finance loan book more than doubled - with the accumulated IPO margin financing amount exceeded HK$100 billion.
Asset Management - As of ended December 2015, Haitong International's assets under management jumped by 34% compared with a year earlier. Many of its funds were rated among the industry's best performers - Haitong Korea Fund ranked No.1 among the 458 MPF products in Hong Kong, with an investment return of 21.56%; Haitong CSI300 Index ETF became the third largest RQFII equity ETF product in Hong Kong. The index outperformed all its local counterparts by exhibiting the least tracking deviation. In the aspect of Mutual Recognition of Funds (MRF) scheme, Haitong Global RMB Fixed Income Fund is so far the only fund issued by a Hong Kong-based Chinese brokerage firm that is eligible for northbound selling.
Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC) - As one of the largest bond market makers in Hong Kong, for the first time, Haitong International offered market making services for Asian (non-Chinese) investment-grade credit bonds last year, expanding its presence in the Southeast Asian markets. The number of bonds covered surged 100% year on year and bond trading volume also grew 155%, covering a client base comprised of more than 300 institutional bond-trading clients from, among others, Asia Pacific, Europe and the US. The number of bonds for market making trading exceeded 700. Meanwhile, Haitong International has been offering market making services for, among others, Renminbi-denominated London Aluminium/Zinc/Copper Mini Futures Contracts since a market maker permit was granted by HKEx in December 2014.
Leveraged and Acquisition Finance - By offering various financing solutions to our clients, Haitong International participated in a number of large scale mergers and acquisitions in 2015. Leverage and acquisition financing deals exceeded 20 in number and reached HK$10 billion in value. It also actively participated in the privatisation of New York-listed China Cord Blood Corporation, the largest umbilical cord blood stem cells storage company in China and its on-going restructuring.
Equity Derivatives - The largest ETF market maker in Hong Kong, Haitong International provided liquidity for 23 ETFs listed in Hong Kong, with market making volume surging by 54% year on year. Efforts were also made to strengthen the offering of financial products geared towards clients' specific needs, including bespoke financial advisory services and investment solutions palatable to institutional, corporate and high-net-worth individual clients. Besides, the newly launched securities borrowing and lending business targeted specifically at institutional clients. Moreover, Haitong International has launched its warrants and callable bull/bear contracts business and is the only Chinese securities company so far to have issued warrants approved by HKEx. The two approved warrants - HT-HKEX@EC1609A(26641) and HT-HTSE@EC1609A (26643) - were listed and began trading on March 7.
In a nutshell, 2015 is a milestone year for Haitong International - the completion of the acquisition of Ji Asia (JapanInvest) and the setup of a new cash equities platform with a focus on equity research and institutional trading and sales after the subsequent business integration; its Singapore branch has obtained an asset management license; set up of an equity fund; ventured into the direct investment territory and already signed holistic and strategic cooperation agreements with several globally-reputed direct investment firms, seeking to seize opportunities brought by the return of China concept stocks, asset restructurings and industry consolidation; the inclusion as a constituent of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index, becoming one of the eligible stocks under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect for southbound trading; maintained its BBB investment-grade credit rating upon the annual review by Standard & Poor's.
Dr. Lin Yong, Deputy Chairman and CEO of Haitong International (665.HK) concludes, "In 2015, Haitong International successfully expanded its network to major global financial centres, we have also filed an application with Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission to set up a representative office in Taiwan, which may turn Haitong International into the first Chinese brokerage firm to have set up a representative office in Taiwan. We will spare no effort in expanding our business to South East Asia and across the globe. With a new round of transformation on all business fronts, Haitong International will continue to capitalise its competitive advantages to make itself among one of leading investment banking services providers in Hong Kong as well as an industry leader."
For more details of Haitong International 2015 annual results announcement, please refer to the Group's website.
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Haitong International Securities Group Limited
Haitong International Securities Group Limited ("Haitong International"; Stock Code: 665.HK) is an international financial institution with established presence in Hong Kong and a rapidly expanding network across the globe. It strives to serve as a bridge linking up the Chinese and overseas capital markets. Haitong International is a subsidiary of Haitong International Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong and wholly owned by Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. ("Haitong Securities", Stock Code: 600837.SH; 6837.HK).
To date, Haitong International has developed a business structure featuring six core business segments, namely corporate finance, brokerage and margin financing, asset management, fixed income, currency and commodities (FICC), leveraged and acquisition finance as well as equity derivatives, offering a full range of premium financial products and services to over 200,000 corporate, institutional and retail clients worldwide. Haitong International possesses a sound risk management system that is in line with international standards. In 2014, it became the first Chinese financial institution in Hong Kong to have been assigned a "BBB" long-term credit rating by Standard and Poor's.
Haitong International has more than 10 branches in Hong Kong and Macau and a representative office in each of Beijing and Shanghai. In 2014, Haitong International quickened the pace of overseas expansion by establishing its Singapore subsidiary. It also completed the acquisition of Japaninvest Group plc in March of 2015, setting up a financial servicing network covering the world's major capital markets including Hong Kong, New York, London, Tokyo.
For further information, please contact:
Haitong International Securities Group Limited
司敏之Mimzy Si
電話:(852) 2213 8622
鄧玉珊 Theresa Tang
電話: (852) 2213 8508
電郵: Theresa.ys.tang@htisec.com
徐瀟 Ann Xu
電話: (852) 2213 8692
電郵: ann.x.xu@htisec.com
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