Are you upset that your low credit score is keeping you from the loans that you need? If you have answered yes, you must think that there is little way of improving your current condition. Just because you have negative terms on your credit report does not necessarily mean your chances of getting a loan in the future are impossible. A guarantor loan may be one of the best options of achieving your financial goals regardless of your past issues. These type of loans are designed for people who have a credit score. However, one must be at least 18 years of age, has verifiable employments, and can get someone to guarantee their monthly payments on the loan once approved. Lenders realize that there is more to a person than just their credit score and look for people who have friends and family that are willing to vouch for them. Before you visit one of the guarantor loans websites like, let's take a minute to see how they actually work and how they can benefit you.
Understanding The Workings Of A Guarantor Loan
If you have a poor credit score and have never been able to borrow money from a trusted lending source, it is difficult to get lending from anyone. When one does not have a credit score, the lender is unable to make a determination on how reliable or trustworthy the borrower is. This is where a guarantor comes into play. The borrower needs to find someone that knows they will pay the money back and act as a guarantor for them. In order to be approved the guarantor must have an outstanding credit rating. While just about anyone can be classified as a guarantor, it is best to keep with family and friends.
The guarantor will need to vouch for the applicant and be fully aware of the role they are playing in the application process. One of the main benefits, other than getting approved for the loan, is that one can boost their own credit score through the guarantor's credit rating.
Knowing The Benefits Of A Guarantor Loan
There are several benefits of a co-signed loan that many borrowers are not even aware of. In fact, these benefits have made the guarantor loans one of the most popular lending solutions today! Here are just a few of the benefits one can expect:
No Credit Checks - Perhaps the greatest benefit of one of these loans is one does not need any type of credit to be approved. Of course, there will be a primary pull of the credit report, yet it is not a serious factor in getting approved.
Credit Rating Increase - One of the long term benefits of a guarantor loan is it will help to increase the borrower's credit by piggybacking off the guarantor. These types of loans are only approved if the guarantor has a high enough credit score and is able to carry the monthly payments if the primary borrower can not. As the payments are made on a monthly basis, this will have a positive effect on the borrower's credit rating.
Large Cash Amounts - Many are surprised at how much cash they are able to borrow through a guarantor loan. If the guarantor has incredibly good credit, the loans can be for rather high amounts which can be helpful in emergency situations.
As you can see, it is still very possible to get a loan with poor credit. Your first step is to find a trusted guarantor and apply for a loan. As with any loan, it is best to do your research before applying.
