The Automechanika Kuala Lumpur Mechanics Challenge is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and co-organised by Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI), the Department of Skills Development of Malaysia (JPK) and the Federation of Automobile Workshop Owners’ Association of Malaysia (FAWOAM). It is an influential event which promotes higher levels of competence, skill sets and quality services.
The Mechanics Challenge is an exciting national event with eight workshop teams from across Malaysia battling it out for the accolade of being Malaysia’s best workshop team. The event is sponsored by Shell Helix, Mazda, Unipac and Stahlwille.
The Grand Final will take place during Automechanika Kuala Lumpur on Thursday 7 March and Friday 8 March 2013 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, and the Automechanika Kuala Lumpur Mechanics Challenge trophies will be presented to winners at the “FAWOAM Annual Convention Dinner” on Saturday 9 March.
Other show highlights are the high-quality fringe programmes – “Malaysia Automotive Institute Aftermarket Conference” and the “FAWOAM Annual Convention”. Both will provide the latest news and information suitable for all levels of industry specialists.
Don’t miss our exciting show line-up!
Guidelines for the Grand Final
7 – 8 March 2013 (10:00 – 16:00)
Exhibition Hall 3, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
The format of the national final competition will be a combination of a “pen
& paper” test and a “hands-on” competition held during Automechanika Kuala Lumpur. Each team will diagnose and repair a uniformly “bugged” car using their workshop skills.
Award presentation
The Automechanika Kuala Lumpur Mechanics Challenge awards will be presented to the winners on Saturday 9 March 2013 at the "FAWOAM Annual Convention Dinner" at Assembly Hall, SJK (C) Chung Kwo.
For tickets, please contact:
Ms Janet Leong / Ms Alice Tan
Tel: +603 6257 7688
Email: info@fawoam.org
Fringe programmes
Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) Aftermarket Conference
Thursday 7 March 2013
Plenary Theatre, Level 3, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Focusing on the theme of “Automotive Aftermarket: Towards Sustainability Development”, the seminar will have speakers from Europe and Asia who will share their experiences and successes on a variety of topics which include aftermarket world trends, benchmarking the European aftermarket and developing a sustainable local aftermarket.
Federation of Automobile Workshop Owners’ Association of Malaysia (FAWOAM) Annual Convention
Friday and Saturday 8 – 9 March 2013
Exhibition Hall 3, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
The event includes technical and management seminars about workshop management and technological advancements, which provides a unique platform to learn about the latest products, services, equipment and technology available to industry professionals.
Show updates
This year’s Automechanika Kuala Lumpur welcomes 180 exhibitors from 18 countries and regions to its show. The exhibiting countries and regions at the 5,500 sqm show are: Australia, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and the US. Of special interest are the new pavilions from Europe, India and Taiwan as well as the returning pavilions from China and Singapore.
A number of leading brand names are exhibiting such as Beta, CMC, Corghi, Launch Tech, Mazda, Newera, Ravaglioli, Shell Helix and Stahlwille.
Automechanika Kuala Lumpur fair facts
Date: 7 – 9 March 2013 (biennial)
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Admission: Free admission. Trade visitors only.
Organiser: Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
In collaboration
with: Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation
supporter: Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI)
For more details, please contact:
Interactive Fairs Sdn Bhd
Mr Kenneth Fong
Tel: +60 3 7803 2276
Email: kenneth.fong@malaysia.messefrankfurt.com
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
Mr Mike Kwan
Tel: + 852 2238 9971
Email: mike.kwan@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com