Concurrent events to highlight Industry 4.0, connectivity, sensor and measurement application technology trends
Entering its seventh edition, SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou, will open for trade from 8 – 10 March 2016 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. The Guangzhou fair continues to be one of the most influential annual fairs for the development and implementation of industrial automation technologies in South China. The three-day event will welcome 521 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions, covering 40,000 sqm of exhibition space.
Contributing to the exhibition figures are the debuting Guangdong Robotics and the Smart Factory Pavilions, organised by the Guangdong Association of Automation and the China Science and Technology Automation Alliance respectively. For the first time, experts representing their companies within the pavilion will share their insights and experiences through a series of case studies. Some of the key topics organised by the new pavilions include “Global Manufacturing Trade and Smart Factory 1.0” and “The Smart Factory Application of Electronics Manufacturing Industry”, covering intelligent production lines, smart factories and intelligent manufacturing systems and more.
Apart from a comprehensive showcase of up-to-date solutions for China’s manufacturing market, over 100 buyer delegations are confirmed to participate in the 2016 show, including Bayer, BYD, Foxconn, Huawei, Lenovo, Mitsubishi Electric, Volkswagen and others. In addition to these high-calibre buyer delegations, SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou 2016 is also expected to attract large visitor groups from across the region. They include the Automated Food and Drink Packaging Visitor Group, formed by more than 10 reputable food and drink packaging machinery suppliers from China; the Taiwan Electronic Equipment Industry Visitor Group, assembled by a group of prominent Taiwanese enterprises specialising in the manufacturing of various electronic products; and the Thailand Visitor Group, which consists of many important government bodies and officials and renowned enterprises from Thailand.
Altogether, the fair expects to welcome over 43,000 professional buyers from around the world. The broad range and high quality of these participating exhibitors will help visitors discover new business leads as well as establish invaluable industry relationships and explore new business opportunities.
Concurrent events to highlight Industry 4.0, connectivity, sensor and measurement application technology trends
Not only does SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou connect suppliers and buyers across continents to facilitate trade, but it also serves as a pivotal marketing and networking platform for all participants. The show organisers have crafted a complementary programme to help industry players fully unlock an abundance of business potential. Over the course of the three-day fair, more than 100 presentations on Industry 4.0, sensors and connectivity technologies will offer participants valuable insights on the industry’s trends and new technologies. Some of the 2016 fair’s programme highlights include:
• Industry 4.0 Seminar – Professionally advised by former Automation Division Manager of ZVEI Dr Reinhard Hueppe, Professor Mario Pacas from Siegen University. The seminars will cover the industry’s latest trends and applications. Some scheduled speakers and their topics include:
- Mr Zeng Kong Geng, Chief Engineer, Yaskawa (China) – Industry 4.0 Technology Upgrading of Automobile Welding Robots
- Mr Chen De Ji, Technical Director, Tongji University Industry 4.0 Lab (China) – Standardisation Helps Chinese Factories Fast Forward in the Big Data Era
• Sensor and Measurement Technology Seminar – Advised by Dr Gerhard Weissler, Consultant at the AMA Association of Sensor Technology, the seminar will highlight the development of the latest market trends for sensor technologies. These technologies are a core component in designing state-of-the-art automation systems. Some scheduled topics and their associated presenters include:
- Mr Michael Yu, Marketing Manager, MTS Sensor (China) – MTS Magnetostrictive Sensor Application in the Automation Industry Within South China
• Automation Technical Salon – Organised by Gkong.com this segment will focus on the integration of automation technologies for the industrial automation industry. It will highlight the latest products and solutions that the market has to offer. Some of the highlighted topics covered in this section include:
- Value system of industrial automation software in Industry 4.0 era
- First exploration of automation e-commerce
SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou is organised by Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd, the China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition General Corporation, Guangzhou Overseas Trade Fairs Ltd, and Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. Associate sponsors are the Guangdong Automation Association, the Guangzhou Automation Association and the Guangzhou Institute of Scientific Instrument.
For more information about the 2016 show, please visit www.spsinchina.com or email sps@china.messefrankfurt.com.
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